Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes 

I made these cupcakes for a ministry called Potter’s Field Ministry. They are a ministry that spreads the Gospel, helps children in need all over the world, and trains young men and women into discipleship. They have been coming to our church for over 20 years and I’ve grown up seeing them once a year. It’s kind of funny because I told one of the guys I used to be afraid of Pastor Mike, the founder, when i was a child… haha. I’ve seen people in my Church go through the missions program and I’ve always had a desire to also do it when I “grew up”. One of my closest middle school mentors did it and moved to serve with them when I was in 7th grade. The past week I met some pretty amazing people and heard one testimony that spoke to me and confirmed stuff going on in my life. I knew I wanted to make them something because they have truly blessed me and others at the church. The men from ignite where so kind and sweet and had this joy that can only be provided by the Holy Spirit. It makes me want that joy! I dont know what I’ll do in the next five years but I took a packet to fill out for Ignite and maybe one day God will open the door. Hopefully I can serve on the missions field all over the world one day. I’ll continue to pray for God to open that door and For his will to be done.

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